I really enjoyed uni. Not just the independent lifestyle, but the learning too! It started at undergrad, progressed to my Masters degree and has continued to a PhD. Along the journey, it has been important to remain at the forefront for continued progress in serving the athletes I worked with. It also helped bridge the gap between academic and elite sport. Having a diverse network of research colleagues has been integral to my success as a coach and a researcher. Below is some of my work and links to the great work of my colleagues too.
An infographic of Study 2 produced by @AdamVirgile (with permission). Check out his work.
I recently submitted my PhD thesis after a long and thoroughly enjoyable journey, expertly supervised by Professor Rob Newton and A/Professor Prue Cormie. Also, my grateful thanks to Dr Stu Cormack.
One of the papers has been made into a fantastic infographic (see left). Other papers from the thesis can be found below, or through the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (@NSCA-lift - member access required).
field Hockey
Research in field hockey is a growing area. Below is some of the collaborative work with students and colleagues.
Australian rules football
They are a bit old now, but it is where my research path started.
Research Colleagues & coaches
For more, check out who I follow at my Research Gate site.